11. Additional Considerations
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11. Additional Considerations

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Article summary

11.1 The Premise Code requires that all doors or side lights in full height glazing that can be mistaken for a path of travel are required to contain a solid decal/manifestation 70mm deep, the full width of the door/panel, situated 900mm – 1000mm from the floor and must contain a 30% contrast colour to the back ground both sides of the door. Decorative decals and logos are no longer permitted in Class 2 – 9 Building common areas or areas that could be used by person with a vision impairment. There are no exceptions to this rule.

11.2 The Premise Code requires a level access on all points of entry to the building. This means the maximum allowed step or threshold at the doorway is 5mm as set out in AS1428.1. Consideration must be given to sill design and or overhead protect of doors as doorway cannot be made comply with this policy and the Premise Code (BCA/NCC) without significant external coverings, grated drains, drained mat wells and the like. The design must give pre-construction consideration to the access and egress requirements of AS1428.1 and the weathering requirements of the BCA/NCC which are currently at conflict. No door manufacturer at the time this policy was written has a sill details that complies with the weathering requirements of the BCA/NCC, thus additional consideration must be given to the catch an control of water entry during wind driven periods and the like. Discuss this with your Team Leader prior to installing doorways and thresholds to all class 2-9 buildings where disabled access is required.

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