2. Maintenance Walkways/Stairs/Ladders
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2. Maintenance Walkways/Stairs/Ladders

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Article summary

2.1 Stairs and ladders serving non-habitable areas such as plant areas, attics and the like can be constructed in accordance with AS1657 which requires a suitable access system based on the “limits of slope”.


2.2 For walkways – the most common walkway is the roof access walkway – refer to the roofing policy for more information – essentially an expanded aluminium or plastic sections fixed to the roof on Aluminium rails

2.3 For Stairs, the goings and rises fit within a range as below


2.4 For ladders the more common ladder used is as per the detail below from AS 1657.


2.5 The typical handrail for a maintenance area is a “monowills” handrail – with ball connections.


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