4. Isolation of Services
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4. Isolation of Services

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Article summary

4.1 All services run through walls need to be secured to the framing.

4.2 Were services are run through the framing, isolation should be provided to prevent service damage from any sharp edges on the metal frame.

4.3 Plumbing pipes should be run vertically down the studs where possible to minimise horizontal pipe runs with unrestrained pipe. Running down the stud allows the pipe to be saddled at regular close centres and silicone to the frame. Restraining the pipes reduces the ability of the pipe to move under any form of pressure related action – water hammer etc. If the pipework is running through a sharp steel frame edge and moving, it may fail over time.

4.4 Other services may not have movement action but should be run so as to clear the frame without risk of damage.
Above – unacceptable condensate pipe runs

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