4. Waterproofing
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4. Waterproofing

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Article summary

4.1 Waterproofing selection will be from the below suppliers unless authorised by the Team leader.

• Chemind – 07 32555755 www.chemind.com.au
• Sika – 07 36339222 www.sika.com.au
• Parchem – 07 39022300 www.parchem.com.au
• Bayset – 07 32195899 www.bayset.com.au
• Ardex - 07 38176000 www.ardexbp.com.au
• Tremco - 07 38899222 www.tremco.com.au

4.2 The contracted waterproofer will provide a copy of the manufacturers waterproofing schedule, technical specifications, MSDS, warranty and manufacturer inspection commitment schedule for approval by Hutchies prior to commencement of works.

4.3 Bathroom floors will be wholly waterproofed – no exceptions.

4.4 Shower cubicle step downs will be a minimum of 50mm into the slab. 25 mm after bedding installed.

4.5 Shower cubicle waterproofing will extend from floor to the ceiling or a minimum of 1800mm above floor or 150mm above the shower head connection – whichever is the highest.

4.6 All bathroom waterproofing must be tested prior to the installation of the tile bed or tiles.

4.7 Shower screens will be fitted to the inside of the hob/rebate/angle.

4.8 In showers without a hob and with no step down a retention angle will be used under the shower screen in all cases to ensure water is retained in the cubicle. The angle will protrude through the bed and tiles and finish 5mm above the finished tile level. This angle will be waterproofed into the cubicle prior to the installation of the tile bed.


4.9 All areas to be waterproofed will be clean and free of dust prior to membrane being applied.

4.10 Flood test all membranes – bund the drainage outlets/spitters and fill the external area with water – observe leaks/loss of water.

4.11 Testing of waterproofing membranes prior to finishes such as bedding and tiles is to be completed using Micrometre and Porosity detector
Above -Micrometre to Test Coating Thickness
Above - Porosity Detector

4.12 Provide suitable barriers to prevent traffic over membranes until the bedding is installed - traffic risks damage to membranes. The site Forman must inspect all membrane surfaces prior to bedding for damage and sign off in writing that it is damage free at the time of bedding.

4.13 Prevent works being carried out over the top of membranes unnecessarily – protect membranes where it is necessary.

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