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Article summary

1. Penetrations in fire compartments is covered in Part C3 of the NCC (Protection of openings)


2. For this document we will be dealing with services penetrations – we will not be dealing with Lift doors, fire doors, garbage cute doors, fire shutters or the like (refer Topic 18)

4. Fire

C3.15 Openings for service installations

Where an electircal, electronic, plumbing, mechanical ventilation, air-conditioning or other service penetrates a building element (other than an external wall or roof) that is required to have an FRL with respect to integrity or insulation or a resistance to the incipient spread of fire, that installation must comply with any one of the following:

(a) Tested systems
(i) the service, building element and any protection method at the penetration are identical with a prototype assembly of the service, building element and protection method which has been tested in accordance with AS 4072.1 and AS 1530.4 and has achieved the required FRL or resistance to the incipient spread of fire.
(ii) It complies with (i) except for the insulation criteria relating to the service if -

(A) the service is a pipe system comprised entirely of metal (excluding pipe seals or the like; and
Deemed-to-Satisfy Provisions
(B) any combustible building element is not located within 100 mm of the service for a distance of 2 m from the penetration; and
(C) combustible material is not able to be located iwthin 100 mm of the service for a distance of 2 m from the penetration; and
(D) it is not located in a requird exit.

(b) Ventilation and air-conditioning - In the case of ventilating or air-conditioning ducts or equipment, the installation is in accordance with AS/NZS 1668.1.

(c) Compliance with Specification C3.1
(i) The service is a pipe system comprised entirely of metal (excluding pipe seals or the like) and is installed in accordance with Specification C3.15 and it -

(A) penetrates a wall, floor or ceiling, but not a ceiling required to have a resistance to the incipient spread of fire; and
(B) conects not more than 2 fire compartments in addition to any fire-resisting serivce shafts; and
(C) doe snot contain a flammable or combustible liquid or gas.

(ii) The service is sanitary plumbing in accordance with Specification C3.15 and it -

(A) is of metal or UPVC pipel and
(B) penetrates the floors of a Class 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9b building; and
(C) is in a sanitary compartment separated from other parts of the building by walls with the FRL required by Specification C1.1 for a stair shaft in the building and a self-closing -/60/30 fire door.

(iii) The service is a wire or cable, or a cluster of wires or cables installed in accordance with Specification C315 and it -

(A) penetrates a wall, floor or ceiling, but not a ceiling required to have a resistance to the incipient spread of fire; and
(B) connects not more than 2 fire compartments in addition to any fire-resisting service shafts.

(iv) The service is an electrical switch, outlet, or the like, and it is installed in accordance with Specification C3.15

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