Corrective Action Report
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Corrective Action Report

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Article summary

On occasions the results of our inspections or tests may indicate deficiencies or non-conformities and we will need to take the required action to rectify them before they become part of our final product. Minor discrepancies and incomplete items are likely rectified during routine supervision and inspections.
On the other hand, when significant non-conformities are identified it may be appropriate to complete a Corrective Action Report (CAR).
Recording CARs allows us to review the non-conformance in the context of our overall Inspection and Test Plan. Some things to consider when completing a Corrective Action Report include:
• Define the issue
• Identify the significant cause
• What action is required to rectify the immediate non-conformance
• What actions are required to prevent reoccurrence
Whilst this may take time to record it will provide a record of the corrective action taken and that those changes meet the requirements. Constructions sites can be stressful with a lot of potential hazards, some important considerations when completing a Corrective Action Report include:
• There may be more than one cause of the non-conformance
• Those doing the work often understand the constraints and opportunities for improvement better than anyone
• The goal is to be more effective and efficient
• Respect for people is paramount

Corrective action is responding to the non-conformance after it has been identified.

Preventative action is the longer-term actions taken to prevent the non-conformance reoccurring in the future.

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