Defect Management & Rectification Procedures Flowcharts
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Defect Management & Rectification Procedures Flowcharts

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Identification Types

Procedure 1 / General Defect Rectification
The below is intended to cover apartment type defects that expose Hutchies to any risk of authority involvement / legal action. It is expected that teams use common sense to resolve defects on their projects but advise The Quality Team where necessary – or where any demand notice or threat of action is documented.

Procedure 2 / Body Corporate Legal / and non Legal Defect Process
The below is intended to cover common area or building owner type defects that expose Hutchies to any risk of authority involvement / legal action. It is expected teams use common sense to resolve defects on their projects but advise The Quality Team where necessary – or where any demand notice or threat of action is documented.


Procedure 3 / Owner Legal Defect Process
The below is intended to cover apartment type defects (not applicable to shared areas) that expose Hutchies to any risk of authority involvement / legal action. It is expected teams use common sense to resolve defects on their projects but advise The Quality Team where necessary – or where any demand notice or threat of action is documented.


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