Fire Compartments and Passive Fire registers/systems
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Fire Compartments and Passive Fire registers/systems

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Article summary

Fire Compartments and Passive Fire registers/systems
All projects are to have fire and smoke compartment plans developed and formally approved as correct by the designers and certifier/PCA/building surveyor at commencement to allow passive fire penetrations to be designed/selected and approved prior to starting works on site.

All proposed products must be covered by a valid test report which is available. Opinions and RIR’s are not acceptable unless approved by the Quality team (in special circumstances only)

Generally products used without test reports are required to be covered by an FER (Fire Engineering Report) that is endorsed by the certifier/building surveyor as a NCC performance assessment.

Prototypes for common risers are to be constructed for approval by the Quality Team prior to works progressing.

  • Fire Compartment Drawings Sample
  • Passive Fire & Acoustic Implementation Guide
  • Fire Penetration Register

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