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Article summary

This Guide is intended to assist in developing and implementing Inspection & Test Plans (ITPs) and associated Inspection Test Reports for construction work. Building standards are in the main described within the National Construction Code Series. Additionally, ISO 9001:2015, requires signatory organisations to:
Implement planned arrangements, at appropriate stages, to verify that the product and service requirements have been met.
The organisation shall retain documented information on the release of products and services. The documented information shall include:
a) Evidence of conformity with the acceptance criteria;
b) Traceability to the person (s) authorising the release.
There is also an expectation that clients, including end users / occupiers have, that buildings will be compliant with all relevant standards, and that the end product is fit for purpose.
To achieve this, an effective and efficient quality control process is required to ensure all obligations and expectations are being met.
Quality Planning identifies the items of materials and or work to be inspected or tested, by whom and at what stage or frequency, as well as Hold and Witness Points, references to relevant standards, acceptance criteria and the records to be maintained.
Quality controls, when properly implemented, helps ensure and verify that materials and work has been undertaken to the required standard and requirements, and that appropriate records are kept.

The Inspection and Test Plan is the plan to systematically inspect and test the product progressively to identify and rectify deficiencies or nonconformities before they become part of the final construction product.

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