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Project Quality Schedule
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Project Quality Schedule
With the project understood in detail, considered in context and interested parties identified, the Project Team progresses to producing the Project Quality Schedule using HB-HSEQ-F-006 which considers critical aspects of the project to help determine what controls need to be introduced to manage these.
The Team Leader and Project Team complete this task as a part of the QMP.
Support Teams can be involved to draw on knowledge and experiences from other teams/projects as a ‘think tank’/ ‘brainstorming’ session to run to ground all potential risks, opportunities and potential controls. This session should be a robust session to ensure as much is identified and run to ground.
The controls that may be used to control aspects of the works/quality outcomes may vary depending on the risk or opportunity for each project
In addition to some typical controls used on most projects such as:
• Programs – contact/target master, design, lead time, offsite, 4 week lookahead, commissioning
• Procurement schedule/letting register based on target program
• Samples, submissions (technical and shop drawings), prototypes based on contract approval times frames, lead times, target construction program
• Trade project specific ITPs
The Project Quality Schedule could include more specific controls to address project specific issues. This could include controls such as:
• The engagement of a specialised resource (eg. a peer review of a consultant design)
• Detailed latent condition procedures to record actual conditions against contracted
• Specific management plan for certain works (for example a tenancy management plan for operation tenancies to manage dust, noise, access, security – refer suite of additional management plans on Hutchies’ Doc Lib)
• Management of offsite manufacture works to control of quality/compliance of the product and tracking progress for timely delivery (includes imported goods, structural steel, joinery or the like)
• Additional resources for supervision of certain works due to complexity, program demands, coverage of the works due to subcontractors/client changes/response to workface intensity
• Financial checks on subcontractors and potentially splitting of trade packages to multiple subcontractors due to capacity and program
Once the controls required to be implemented have been identified in the Project Quality Schedule the Project Team is to document the controls in the QMP and implement each using appropriately modified control documentation and by assigning responsibilities to each of the Project Team.
- Project Quality Schedule