Project Specific Inspection & Test Plans (ITPs)
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Project Specific Inspection & Test Plans (ITPs)

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Project Specific Inspection & Test Plans (ITPs)
ITPs provide a bespoke checklist for the works on each project and record the quality of the works as they are built. Use of generic ITPs don’t cover the project specific requirements and works that are not completed with an ITP.

Subcontractors are required to develop and use their own project specific ITPs, and Hutchies’ people should review these prior to use and then develop their own ITP to ensure all items are checked with the Subcontractors’ ITP referenced to the Hutchies’ ITP. Where the works are self-performed, a comprehensive ITP should be developed and used.

It’s important that the Project Team reviews all works / subcontracts and implements ITPs that provide assurance that all works are being checked for compliance and acceptance of the works regardless of who is performing the works.

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