Steel Protection - General Principles
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Steel Protection - General Principles

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Article summary

Corrosion of our buildings is one of the most visible defects affecting reputation as well as costing the company or building owners. Rust / corrosion to steel structures, external screens, equipment and fixings are all preventable with the correct selection of materials up front.

Definition of Corrosion - loss of metallic properties of a metal due to oxidation and is accompanied by the formation of unwanted products. Copper, iron and aluminium metals all corrode over time loosing strength/durability, lustre and electrical conductivity.

Metals of all types are subject to corrosion through exposure to oxygen, water (which contains oxygen) and ions commonly Chloride found in salt water. They will always try to return to their natural state as minerals. Most buildings near the coast line contain evidence of corrosion which is for good reason. Water obviously more abundant adjacent the coastline or river system however more destructive to metals are increased ions where salt water is near.

Surface protection seeks to encapsulate the metal and provide a protective (full isolation) layer to the outside air and water.

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