Type and Frequency
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Type and Frequency

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Article summary

Inspecting and testing each element throughout construction is typically not effective nor practical. Inspections and tests are often best done in groups of several similar activities but prior to a major activity which will cover up the work.
The requirements of the contract documents may specify the type and frequency of specific inspection or tests, where this is not the case a realistic representative sampling of the work to suit the risks can be used. If non-conformities are identified during this process, then frequency of inspections and test would be increased along with a review of the process.
When determining the type and frequency of inspections and tests a risk-based thinking approach will consider, but not be limited to:
• Complexity of the detail of the work being undertaken
• Access for inspecting / testing
• Risk to health and safety or workers and members of the public
• Access if remedial work is required at a later date
• Consequential damage to other elements
• Resources

The type, timing, and frequency (what, when and how often) of inspections and tests are best determined in conjunction with the characteristics to be verified.

Some characteristics can only be considered after one stage but before another, such as the inspection of steel reinforcement arrangement in precast panel installed during panel manufacturing, would need to be checked prior to the pouring of concrete.

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